mDIS for Transportation – AN4 Group Ltd

mDIS for Transportation

Navaho has developed a specific module for the transportation industry, meaning that mDIS can perform functions that provide real-time, dynamic passenger information.

mDIS can display route ladders, journey times, This Stop and Next Stop information, safety announcements such as “mind the gap”, live traffic information, interchange and connection information and related transport timetables.

The system can also provide additional information for travellers to ensure engagement such as weather updates, RSS newsfeeds, social media walls and advertising messages. Antisocial behaviour can also be discouraged by playing live CCTV footage from the transportation vehicle itself.

Navaho also provides engineered screens for transportation systems that can be fitted in conjunction with the vehicle manufacturer or added as a retro-fit.

Navaho systems are used on some of the biggest transport networks in the world, find out more by giving our digital team a call on +44(0)1420 544440 or email